October 24 Why Me Lord? Revelation 1:8
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)
No one is immune to troubles and trials! When we find ourselves in the midst of trying and difficult times, what do we do? Just recently, I was asked to counsel with an individual that has had some serious challenges, some created by his behaviors and some that are the results of others, and his question to me was, “Why me? What have I done to deserve this? Why do these things happen to me?” This young man was so fixated on the challenges that he would not see the blessings! I realize that, in our human perspective, that situations and the struggles that we experience are perceived as “All these is,” however, as Redeemed Followers of Jesus Christ, we are promised the power to overcome and the ability to be strong in the middle of any and every challenge! As Born-Again” Believers, we have a solid assurance that our GOD IS, WAS, AND IS TO COME!! Listen, God spoke our world into reality and the blessed assurance is, knowing that HE has ordained our existence, and HE has promised that HE will KEEP US in HIS POWER AND LOVE! There is a Glorious FACT that is so exciting! The Reality of our existence is a cause for rejoicing! Why do things happen to me? Whether we recognize it or not, GOD, in HIS infinite Wisdom, Love, and Grace has determined them to be! Remember John 16:33…. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Difficulties, Challenges, Pain, Hurts, Deceptions, Tribulations are a sad reality of our Human Existence, however, PRAISE GOD, through HIS LOVE and GRACE, we are OVERCOMERS! So, why do these things happen to me? It is the way that it is in this life, so, grab hold of HIS AMAZING GRACE and PRAISE GOD for HIS SUSTAINING POWER and CLAIM HIS ETERNAL POWER TO KEEP US, SUSTAIN US, and TO BLESS US! This young man had the idea that he had been singled out for the misery and challenges, and when I told him that everyone experienced the trials and issues of life, and that there is HOPE to OVERCOME! I am happy to report that, not only did he surrender his life, his challenges, and his burdens to Jesus Christ, he is now, proclaiming this AMAZING GRACE to anyone that will slow down enough to hear his testify! I am praying that God’s Love and Sustaining Power will shine through the trials and issues of this day and that our lives, our words, our actions will reflect His Eternal Sustaining Power and His Promises of HOPE, HELP and HARMONY, even in the midst of the Storms of this Life! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!