October 28 Affirming God’s Power Psalm 25:5
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.” (Psalm 25:5)
When you are representing the Truth of Jesus and you are Standing Strong for the Good News of His Redeeming Love and you are Living that Good News before this depraved world, Satan is going to employ every tactic and opportunity to cause you to Stumble and Fall! I am not immune to this satanic onslaught! Every day, without fail, I speak these words out loud, and I claim them and live them, and I am armored up, prayed up, read up and ready to take on the attacks from Satan himself! “I am the Son of the King, who is not moved by this world. For my God is with me, and He goes before me, and I do not fear, because I AM HIS! I affirm that God’s Power is rising in me, Renewing and Healing my Body, Bringing Power to my Mind, Giving me Success in my Work, and I affirm Health, Energy, Enthusiasm, and the Joy of Life! All of this I owe to my redeemer, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior! Praise God, He has given me the “VICTORY PRINCIPLE” for which I Thank Him, every single day! NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY! Be Strong, Be Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
P.S. The More I am Focused on Jesus Christ, sharing His Good News, and “Walking in His Will,” Satan’s attacks are stronger, more targeted at my weaknesses, so BE CAREFUL and KEEP PRAYING, READING, MEMORIZING SCRIPTURE, and SERVING HIM!