December 1 “Am I Alone in This?” Hebrews 6:19
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “This Hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil.” (Hebrews 6:19)
Since the Election of 2024, I have been called upon to offer counsel and encouragement to a number of people. The perspectives are as varied as there are individuals, yet the one common denominator is their fear of what is to be! I have shared that God is still God, and He is in Control, so we must look to Him for our foundation and our stability, and not any political entity or person! Amazingly, there are days when I am satisfied that I must be going crazy! I have asked myself if I am the only one that feels this way and am I the only one that sees the craziness and insanity that is going on! We are all faced with the realities of life, whether we acknowledge it or not. The challenges that come from a “New” normal; that has been thrust upon us, and all that goes with it, create upheaval and descent in our thoughts and actions. Dealing with the insanity and the “Storms” of life causes us to become disillusioned and become a bit fearful. There are times when we feel as if we are adrift in the middle of a raging storm with no “Safe Port” in sight. Folks, I am here to declare that WE DO have HOPE! We need to ANCHOR DEEP! Our ANCHOR is JESUS CHRIST, and HE IS OUR HOPE!! HE is firm and strong and secure and, if we are to navigate through all the craziness of this present age, we MUST be firmly and securely attached to our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! You have heard me use this before: “In times like these, you need a Savior, In times like these you need an Anchor; Be very sure, be very sure, Your Anchor holds and grips the SOLID ROCK! This ROCK is JESUS, yes, He’s the ONE; This ROCK is JESUS, the ONLY ONE! Be very sure, be very sure, Your Anchor holds and grips the SOLID ROCK!” In times like these, we really do need that ROCK, which is JESUS CHRIST (HE is the REASON for the SEASON)! So, the answer to the question is clear…NO, you are not going crazy; crazy things are happening, however, when we anchor deep in the promises of Jesus, HE WILL HOLD US, SECURELY AND STEADFASTLY, UNTIL THE STORM PASSES BY!! I am clinging to the anchor, which is my Savior, and when I feel confused and a sense of despair, I grip that anchor rope that gives me peace and strength and ETERNAL HOPE! I pray that you will “ANCHOR DEEP,” and grab hold of the HOPE, read John 3:16 and embrace the HOPE that is found, only in Jesus! Remember – You Are Not Alone!!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!