January 27 It’s All Good! Galatians 6:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Once again, another young man leaves the full-time pastoral ministry, and states that the stress and the loneliness and the isolation are too much to bear! Sadly, so many are experiencing this same set of emotions. Every believer, living in this evil world, experience the same issues and the same challenges and God knows our situation and our challenges, and His word instructs us to stay strong and to stay focused and to never, ever quit! Each time that a young man leaves the full-time ministry, Satan wins! Just a few months ago, I attended a gathering of fellow pastors, and I sat quietly (I know that this is hard to believe) listening to the banter about church politics, issues, leadership, attitudes and struggles, and one young man, with resolute declaration, declared that he was calling it quits! Immediately, the mood changed, and this young man became the center of the discussion. The first question that was asked of him was, “WHY?” His answers were sad and enlightening at the same time. “Regardless of what I do, it doesn’t seem to be enough!” He went on to say that “My wife and children are so unhappy, and they are beginning to resent the church and the time that I spend with the church family!” This man had tears in his eyes as he declared that “I am not going to continue to hurt my family!” Then he uttered those famous words, “I am just so weary and tired!” Amazingly, the entire table of pastors turned towards me and asked what I thought. Okay, here we go… I asked if he and his family were praying together, not just about the church situation, but about every aspect of their lives. Then, I asked if he had spent some time in defining his “Calling,” and if he was praying for clarity and focus. Then I asked him if the circumstances, at the church, were historically fixed and did he see any signs of change within the culture of the body of believers. His answer was so revealing when he declared that they were entrenched and the patterns of behavior were solid and fixed and change, of any type, was rejected outright! My next statement shocked a few of my fellow pastors! “If the circumstances are rigidly fixed and you see no chance of change, and this situation is tearing away at your family, then change the circumstances! Immediately, one of my brothers asked if I was advocating that he just quit. “NO! I am advocating that he spends some dedicated time in prayer and communication with our Savior and asking for clarity and for the vision to understand that banging your head against a brick wall will only result in a sore head and a bad attitude! Pray that God will change the circumstances or provide the necessary tools to change the present circumstances!” The conclave of pastors began to break up and this sad young man asked if I would talk with him privately. He shared some sad, and unfortunate situations that would be difficult for a “Seasoned” pastor, much less a “Freshman” pastor in his first church. Our frank discussion about attitude, boundaries, and standards of behavior were helpful to him. I explained that he must establish what is acceptable treatment of his family and that he is available for all criticisms and suggestions of change, but his wife and children are off limits! You must be as flexible as you are faithful, yet there are boundaries and limits and when the situation becomes untenable, then remove yourself from the toxic environment! I have continued to advise and to encourage this young brother. I suggested that he partner with one of the deacons that he trusts and that he could use as a mentor and move forward with intent and with controlled purpose. I suggested that this deacon’s wife mentor his wife and to help her assimilate into the church culture and to be a sounding board for she and the family! I am happy to report that the situation is softening, and the attitudes are changing and the work for Jesus is happening, and the culture of discontent is becoming more content! PRAYER, COMMITMENT, DEDICATION and FOCUS are the KEYS to SUCCESS! You WILL face difficulties, challenges and trials (John 16:33), but… “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.” Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!