October 26 TRUE PEACE 1 Corinthians 2:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
Wow! As I witness the ravages of war, played out on the television screen, every day, I am fully aware of the deep darkness and hatred and centuries-old evil that has overtaken an entire population. When you listen to the politicians, world leaders, supposedly, people in educated positions of influence, speak of “Peace,” yet there is “NO Peace,” and there will not be “Peace,” as long as Hearts are full of Hate, and Cultures are determined to eradicate one another, and centuries old bias and prejudices continue to exist and flourish! Satan has deafened the ears of individuals, and He has continued to fuel the fires of hatred, division, and chaos! Darkness is upon humanity, and we are attempting to navigate in this darkness without a light strong enough and bright enough to cut through the darkness, and we cannot do it on our own! When individuals shout “PEACE,” they are missing the Key Ingredient for True and Everlasting “Peace” to exist, and that is the Grace of Almighty God, through the “Light Producing and Redeeming Power” of our Savior, Jesus Christ! The only way to “Peace,” is the Life-Changing Power of God’s Holy Spirit, that brings “Bright Light” into this dark and blind world! What can change Hate into Love, Misery into Joy, Darkness into Light? The Love of God through Jesus Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit! Satan’s sinful grip, and darkness producing blindness on humanity will be defeated by the Bright Light of God’s Love! God fills our hearts with His unlimited Love that shines brightly into this evil and dark world! When we participate in the life Changing experience of God’s Amazing Grace, then our souls are ignited in the wondrous light of Hope, and the assurance that He will accomplish great and mighty things for we who have claimed His Redeeming Love and Power! This world, regardless of those who would deny, is filled with Darkness, Evil, Depravity and a condition of Hopelessness! Our choice is clear; we can live in the directionless darkness of Sin and Hopelessness, or we can Claim God’s Love, and live in the Brightness of His Grace, the Joy of His Love and Live our lives as a Radiant Light into this Dark and Dismal World! What a wonderful fact of Life, when we are redeemed (Saved) through the Grace of God, our eyes are opened to the evil, our hearts are prepared to walk in the fullness of His Power, and we are ready to be the BRIGHT LIGHT INTO THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD! When God unleashes His GRACE, POWER, LIGHT-PRODUCING LOVE, and His SUSTAINING POWER and GUIDANCE, we will, truly, begin to LIVE! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…. THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
“Our Daily Strength”
October 25 “Our Daily Strength” Isaiah 33:2
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.” (Isaiah 33:2)
“I’m just tired!” It seems to me that this is a common response from so many people, today! Post COVID-19, and the ongoing aftereffects, Politics and the ugliness of its reality, have produced a common result, at least for me, and that is Fatigue! As I look at the situations that we are dealing with, and the challenges that we are called upon to handle, no wonder that we feel exhausted! Think about it… The Economy is struggling (Inflation, shortages, employment issues, open boarders, corruption at the highest levels of government), and it seems that we are having to work more just to keep up, and our society appears to be getting sicker and more perverse, and each one of us are facing personal and family dynamics that challenge us every day, and our “Fast Paced” technology driven culture leaves us “Tired” and there is that “Ever-Present” Daily News, that always provides the “Doom & Gloom” of our world! Wow! Just thinking about all that is happening make me tired! No wonder we are exhausted! In Psalm 29:11, the psalmist tells us that “The Lord will give strength to His people,” and I am claiming that provision and I am expecting His Amazing Grace to comfort me and to strengthen me, every single day! In this time of exhaustion and fatigue and weariness, God has promised that He would be our strength EVERY MORNING! I am grateful that I have the privilege and the blessing to go into His Word, every morning, and He Refreshes Me, Restores Me, Empowers Me, and Prepares Me for the Challenges Ahead! Regardless of the issues of this day, allow God’s Power and His Promises, to Encourage you, Protect you, Guide You, Sustain you, and to be your Comfort in times of exhaustion and challenges! He Promised – I Believe, and I am CLAIMING His Strength for the Challenges Ahead! How About You? Stay Strong, Stay Focused … THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
Why Me Lord?
October 24 Why Me Lord? Revelation 1:8
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)
No one is immune to troubles and trials! When we find ourselves in the midst of trying and difficult times, what do we do? Just recently, I was asked to counsel with an individual that has had some serious challenges, some created by his behaviors and some that are the results of others, and his question to me was, “Why me? What have I done to deserve this? Why do these things happen to me?” This young man was so fixated on the challenges that he would not see the blessings! I realize that, in our human perspective, that situations and the struggles that we experience are perceived as “All these is,” however, as Redeemed Followers of Jesus Christ, we are promised the power to overcome and the ability to be strong in the middle of any and every challenge! As Born-Again” Believers, we have a solid assurance that our GOD IS, WAS, AND IS TO COME!! Listen, God spoke our world into reality and the blessed assurance is, knowing that HE has ordained our existence, and HE has promised that HE will KEEP US in HIS POWER AND LOVE! There is a Glorious FACT that is so exciting! The Reality of our existence is a cause for rejoicing! Why do things happen to me? Whether we recognize it or not, GOD, in HIS infinite Wisdom, Love, and Grace has determined them to be! Remember John 16:33…. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Difficulties, Challenges, Pain, Hurts, Deceptions, Tribulations are a sad reality of our Human Existence, however, PRAISE GOD, through HIS LOVE and GRACE, we are OVERCOMERS! So, why do these things happen to me? It is the way that it is in this life, so, grab hold of HIS AMAZING GRACE and PRAISE GOD for HIS SUSTAINING POWER and CLAIM HIS ETERNAL POWER TO KEEP US, SUSTAIN US, and TO BLESS US! This young man had the idea that he had been singled out for the misery and challenges, and when I told him that everyone experienced the trials and issues of life, and that there is HOPE to OVERCOME! I am happy to report that, not only did he surrender his life, his challenges, and his burdens to Jesus Christ, he is now, proclaiming this AMAZING GRACE to anyone that will slow down enough to hear his testify! I am praying that God’s Love and Sustaining Power will shine through the trials and issues of this day and that our lives, our words, our actions will reflect His Eternal Sustaining Power and His Promises of HOPE, HELP and HARMONY, even in the midst of the Storms of this Life! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
Trust in the Lord
October 23 Trust in the Lord Proverbs 16:20
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.” (Proverbs 16:20)
Many years ago, Daddy preacher a sermon using a story about a man on a bus, and I came across it several weeks ago and I would like to share the message with you today! “I boarded the bus, headed for home, and when I sat down, I noticed a bright-eyed man getting on the bus, behind me. As soon as he sat down, he began talking in a loud voice. He said, “Hello my friends, how are we all doing this evening? Happy, I am for sure!” “Outstanding!” he said, “You know that God wants us all to be happy!” My thoughts were clear… “Oh no, not another nut!” I began to look up and down the bus and I saw a group of tired and gloomy folks. He continued… “I know that you all have had a hard day, but I can change that! I don’t have a lot of time, so let’s start by first of all, being thankful. Yes; thankful that we are all strong and well enough to move our bodies onto this bus, and thankful that we are going home or to a special place.” There was a lady, reading her paper and he said to her, “I suspect that you are headed home to fix supper, aren’t you?” Boy, she glared back at him! “Well, don’t let it be a chore tonight! Make that supper a love offering to the family that you love!” As these words penetrated this lady’s ears, her face began to soften. Is she showing some interest in this possible nut? “And you,” addressing a gruff young man in a Pea Coat. “Go home and call somebody, just call them and say that you love them.” The young fellow smiled. I guessed that he was sensing his stop was getting closer, he began to talk faster! “My stop is coming soon, so quickly now, take my advice. Get out of yourselves! Do for someone else. That’s a sure way to be happy!” The bus stopped and the doors folded open… “One more thing,” he shouted. “Look up Proverbs 16:20!” He did an interesting little jig dance and bounced onto the sidewalk. His little performance took less than 3 minutes. I thought, “was he really a nut?” The doors closed and the bus pulled off and we were speeding towards my stop, and I looked up and down the bus, at my fellow passengers. They were, every one of them were smiling! Folks, let us never be afraid to speak the Word of God and Live it, before our fellowmen, and never be slow to hear His Word! “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, Happy is he!” Stay Strong, Stay focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Re-Posting)
Post Script: Once Again, It appears that the only issue in the political process is the destruction of unborn babies and the argument associated with it! It is sad that the fact that the Cost of Living has skyrocketed, the Price of Goods and Services are at record highs, China, Russia, North Korea are joining together to present a united front to spread the evil of Communism and the totalitarian realities, and the Israel Hating Individuals, apparently, are having dominance among America’s College Campuses, and what seems to be the dominate issue among the political elites, Abortion! In my opinion, this is a sad commentary on the spiritual condition of this nation! Agree or disagree, vote your convictions!
Our “FAITH” Walk
October 22 Our “FAITH” Walk 2 Corinthians 5:7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
The more difficult and the more complex our lives become, the easier it is to lose our direction and our perspective. “God, is this the way I am supposed to live?” We often think, while going through the promised trials and tribulations of this life; that we are not living right! Well, that is when “FAITH” come into play. God, through Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, has provided the empowered ability to face the challenges and to overcome the difficulties, through HIS SUSTAINING POWER FOR LIVING! That Power is OUR FAITH! FAITH IN HIS WORD AND FAITH IN THE FACT THAT HE SAID IT AND WE BELIEVE IT! “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).” This world, right now, today, offers a dismal and dark picture and the activities of this world are a far cry from the glory and presence of God, yet, even in the midst of the depravity and sin, HE STILL LOVES US! When I wake up, each day, and look into the mirror, and listen to the “News” of the day, and review the activities of my day, I have the opportunity to be very depressed! The next thing in my morning routine, is time with my God … through His Word, through Prayer Time and Meditation, and that is when I clearly see the ability to navigate through the challenges of the day, with renewed Hope and with Empowered Vision! I pray that God will provide each of us the FAITH to see HIS HAND in everything that we do and the SUSTAINING and EDIFYING POWER to provide AMAZING AND ABUNDANT FAITH TO NAVIGATE THROUGH THE CIRCUMSTANCES WITH THE ASSURANCE OF FAITH AND HIS GLORIOUS PROMISES! I also claim the fact that, although our FAITH may have started out the size of a mustard seed, that it is in an active state of expansion until it becomes a “Mighty Oak Tree” of FAITH! Folks, we really do “Walk by Faith, not by Sight!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
SIDE NOTE: Over the past several months, I have been participating in an activity that I heard about from an older and respected fellow pastor! I am engaged in a “PRAYER WALK” for BAPTIST TABERNACLE CHURCH! I walk around the perimeter of our property, and I am praying for each member, each visitor, and the physical property. In addition, I am praying that God will not allow Satan, or his influences to have any place in or around BTC! So, if you ride by and see the “Pillsbury Doughboy Pastor” walking around the church grounds, you can be assured that you are being lifted up in prayer!
Limited by Our Minds
October 21 Limited by Our Minds Colossians 3:1-2
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2)
Have you ever used these words, “If only I had…?” I have a dear member of my extended family that lived her life in the area of “What if,” and “If only!” She was one of the saddest and sullen folks that has ever existed! She was constantly bemoaning what she didn’t have and always comparing herself to others, especially those who appeared to be more successful or more prosperous, in worldly measures. She was constantly saying, “If only” I had married better, “If only” I had gone to college, “If only” I had more money and “If only” I had made better decisions! Sadly, she never recognized just how blessed she was! She spent so much time living in the “If only” that she failed to see the beauty and blessings of her life and the actual beauty of herself and the beauty that she added to our lives! Remember, where our thoughts go, we go! God’s word clearly instructs us to “set our minds on things above, not on the things of earth!” Think positive and you will be positive …Think blessings and you will be blessed! God’s power is ready to be released in you and He has prepared you to receive the blessings that He has promised. Stop being an “IF ONLY,” and be Focused on the blessings of your redemption and your eternal Home! What God does with you IS ENTIRELY up to you! It always has and it always will! Stay Strong, Stay Focused … THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
** Once again, from Television Political Advertisements, we get a clear indication of the priorities of the present political culture! In my observation, TV Ad after TV Ad promoting the freedom to destroy unborn babies… This sad commentary on our culture is being described as “Reproductive Rights,” “The Right to Choose,” “Women’s Health,” and a host of other euphemisms to describe the act of killing an unborn baby! Believe what you will, do what you believe is right, but “Born-Again, Blood Bought Christians” should have some difficulty supporting this sad and destructive behavior. I understand the culture is moving towards the idea that wrong is right, and right is wrong, but I DO NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE! Amazingly, You have the “Right” to Choose who you will serve! **
October 20 “FISHERS OF MEN” Matthew 4:19
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)
When I was a boy, one of my favorite things to do with my daddy was to go fishing. Generally, it was on a pond bank, or the riverbank, however, many times it was at the coast, and we would fish from the pier. Daddy was a simple man, with simple tastes and desires, yet he truly enjoyed our time together fishing. He would use the time to talk about life issues and he would ask me questions about my life and how I was navigating through the challenges. I believe this is when I understood “Multitasking!” We would prepare the lines, bait the hook, and cast our rig and wait for the natural process to play out! Daddy would always use this scripture from Matthew 4:19, to describe the task and responsibility of every believer! We are to share God’s Good News about the Love of Jesus, and we are to be actively “Fishing” for others to come to Him! On one such occasion, we were fishing at the Oceanana Pier, at Atlantic Beach, and a “Weather-worn” young man was seated next to us, and he had been listening to every word that Daddy spoke, and he interrupted our conversation to ask Daddy a beautiful and amazing question. He asked, “Would you tell me more about Jesus?” Well, nothing was more exciting to Linwood Brock, than an opportunity to talk about Jesus. For the next hour, Daddy, and this man, talked non-stop until Daddy asked the question! “Do you want to be saved?” “I Do,” was the response from this “Weather worn,” rough looking fisherman! With the skill of a highly trained surgeon, Daddy led this new believer to a “Saving Relationship with Jesus Christ!” By this time, others had started to gather around us, and when Daddy began to pray, there were as many as 15 people, bunched up around our bench, listening to Daddy “Preach” & “Pray!” Daddy has gone on to be with Jesus, yet his example, his instructions, and his unwavering commitment to his Savior, continue to be “Instructional” for this young believer! After that night, we would encounter many that were there the night that “Jimbo” gave his heart to Jesus! We never saw “Jimbo” again. The word was, that he had been in an accident, and had died as a result of his injuries! From that moment on, when we would fish at the Pier, we would begin each fishing session with prayer! Friend, I admit that I was a little embarrassed, but I learned a valuable lesson! Daddy said that we were to share Jesus, right where we are, and that everyone, whether they know it, or not, needs Jesus Christ! I believe that I became a “Real” and “True” Fisher of Men that night, on the Oceanana Pier, at Atlantic Beach! When you have “Life Saving” information, why would you keep it to yourself? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
October 19 “HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU” Psalm 138:7
**Please pray for the Larry Price family as we Celebrate His Life Today! **
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand
Against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me.” (Psalm 138:7)
Wouldn’t it be great if we never had any troubles or challenges in this life? What if God promised that we would never have troubles in our lives? You know, because He loves us and as His children, He would allow us to navigate through life easily and carefree! Well, Adam and Eve messed that though completely up! All is not lost! We do have something to look forward to and that is eternal life with our Savior, in Heaven, but as for this life, trouble-free is not happening! Do not lose heart, God has promised that He would walk beside us, sustain us, and empower us in our troubles! He said that He would NEVER leave us! Hebrews 13:5 declares the promise, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” In recent days, I have had to cling to this promise, and I have had to exercise His unshakeable promise of Power and Endurance! When tough times come your way, and they will, remember this promise! God promised that HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AND HE WILL NOT FORSAKE YOU! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
SIDE NOTE: 68 years ago, today, this “Pillsbury Doughboy Pastor” burst forth into this world! I am grateful to God that I am still able to serve HIM, every day, in every way! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
October 18 GOD IS RELIABLE Deuteronomy 7:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Therefore, know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;” (Deuteronomy 7:9)
“You can count on God to do what He said He would do!” My dear mother shared this fact with me, every time that I faced a challenge, or my faith was waning! Today, decades later, this fact and the words of my mother are as relevant and important as they were way back then! I thank mama for reminding me that God’s reliability is never in question, however, my commitment to follow His leading and to claim His promises and to be reliable, is another story! When I stumble, and I will, He is always there! When I fail to represent Him in the way that He expects, He is ready, willing, and able to forgive me and to continue to show me the way that He wants me to go! I suspect that you have witnessed the reliability of God, in your own life! Maybe He has answered a prayer or provided a moment of clarity and wisdom to face a particular challenge or simply provided comfort to overcome a struggle! THE FACT IS THAT OUR GOD IS DEPENDABLE! What He has said, He will do! There is very little, in this world, that we can depend on, in our present day! Political, Social, Cultural, Economic and Religious Upheaval create an atmosphere of unrest and uncertainty, yet we can always trust God’s Holy Word, and we can Depend on Him to DO WHAT HE PROMISED! When this old world is getting me down, I go to My Rock, My Safe Place, My Stronghold, and that is JESUS! How about you? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!